Asro Medika

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Phases of Lung Development

Histology for Pathologist, 3rd Edition

Phase Gestation (approx. weeks) Major Events
Embryonic 3 1/2–6 weeks Development of major airways
Pseudoglandular 6–16 Development of airways to terminal bronchioles
Canalicular 16–28 Development of the acinus and its vascularization
Saccular 28–36 Subdivision of saccules by secondary crests
Alveolar 36 weeks to term (and up to 4 years of age) Acquisition of alveoli
Table 18.3 Lung Development and Regulatory Factors*
Phase of Lung Development Events Major Molecular Mediators
Embryonic Outgrowth of trachea, right and left main bronchi, and major airways HNF-3β, TTF-1, RA, RAR, Shh, Ptch, Gli2, Gli3, FGF-8, FGF-10, NHF-4, N-cadherin, activin-β-r, IIa, lefty-1/2, nodal, Pitx-2
Pseudoglandular Formation of bronchial tree up to a preacinar level. GATA-6, N-myc, PDGF, PDGF-R, EGF, EGF-R, FGF, TGF-β, Shh, Ptch, VEGF, BMP-4, RA, RAR
Canalicular Formation of the pulmonary acinus and of the future air-blood barrier; increase of capillary bed; epithelial differentiation; first appearance of surfactant GATA-6, TTF-1, HNF-3β, Mash-1, VEGF
Saccular Formation of transitory air spaces HNF-3β, TTF-1, NF1, VEGF, VEGF-R
Alveolar Alveolarization by forming of secondary septa PDGF, PDGF-R, FGF, FGF-R, VEGF, VEGF-R, angiopoietins, ephrins, RA, RAR
Microvascular maturation (birth–3 years) Thinning of interalveolar walls; fusion of the capillary bilayer to a single layered network VEGF, VEGF-R, PDGF, PDGF-R, angiopoietins, ephrins
*Modified from: Roth-Kleiner M, Post M. Genetic control of lung development. Biol Neonate 2003;84:83–88.

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