Asro Medika

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

lanjutan MCQ blok 18


a. increase of cardiac functional reserve capacity

b. good performance of physical activity

c. decreased of catecholamine responsiveness

d. good toleration of stresses

2. Increasing of arterial systolic pressure and impedance to left ventricular ejection are the result

from :

a. aortic dilation and calcification

b. increase of aortic and large artery thickness and vascular stiffness

c. increase of afterload

d. increase of mean blood pressure

3. Reduction of early diastolic filling rate is caused by :

a. decreasing of ventricular compliance

b. venodilation

c. left ventricular hypertrophy

d. increasing of stroke volume

4. Atrial arrhythmias in elderly is caused by :

a. atrial dilation

b. ventricular dilation

c. atrial fibrosis

d. both of atrial dilation and atrial fibrosis

5. Resting electrocardiogram changes in elderly patients are influenced by :

a. decrease of left ventricular mass

b. psychological stress

c. kyphosis of thoracal vertebrae

d. instability

6. The accurate examination to assess the cardiac chamber size in elderly is :

a. chest roentgenogram

b. echocardiogram

c. electrocardiogram

d. cor angiogram

7. The well tolerated invasive diagnostic test to evaluate aortic dissection is :

a. cardiovascular catheterization

b. coronary arteriography

c. exercise test

d. transesophageal echocardiography

8. Heart failure tends to be both underdiagnosed and overdiagnosed in elderly patients because :

a. patients fail to report progressive symptoms cause they are considering those as a consequence of aging

b. many elderly patients with heart failure have a good mental function and behavior

c. exertional dyspnea may not reflect another common problem like COPD

d. they have no complaining

9. Elderly patients with severe systolic dysfunction in association with atrial fibrillation are

candidates for oral anticoagulation therapy. This medication is need to :

a. augment the cardiac output

b. limit thromboembolic complications

c. improve ventricular compliance

d. reverse atrial fibrillation

10. Elderly patients with symptomatic refractory life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmias

should undergo electrophysiologic test to identify :

a. requirement of drug therapy or surgical intervention

b. ventricular dysfunction

c. risk level of thromboembolism

d. 5 years of survival rate

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