Asro Medika

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Soal Blok 18

BLOK 18 (Geriatri dan Pediatri)

1. The principle of growth is :

A. Growth rapidity is regular

B. Changes of the body size

C. Changes of the maturity of the body structure and function

D. Every organ have same growth pola

2. The principles of development is :

A. The sequence of development is the same for all children

B. The rate of the development is the same for all children

C. The direction of development is caudocephal

D. The maximum rapid start from the fetal

3. The following condition is appropriate to physical development for 6 months baby :

A. Primitive reflexes (+)

B. Head lag (+)

C. Rolling

D. Crawling

4. The following condition is appropriate to 12 months baby :

A. The growth rate faster

B. The physical activity slow

C. Speaks the first word

D. Crawling

5. The preschool children fulfil the following criteria :

A. The somatic growth rate increase

B. The brain growth rate maximum

C. Bowel and bladder control

D. The appetite increase

6. In the newborn, the birth weight regain at the age :

A. 1 week

B. 2 week

C. 4 week

D. 1 month

7. At the age of 1 year, body weight is about :*

A. 2 x birth weight

B. 2,5 x birth weight

C. 3 x birth weight

D. 5 x birth weight

8. The range of head circumference at birth is :

A. 30-31 cm

B. 31-32 cm

C. 33-35 cm

D. 36-37 cm

9. Most of small neonates in the first year of life may :

A. Shift upward to a new growth channel

B. Shift downward to a new growth channel

C. Never achieves a new growth channel

D. Weight for age curve remain below 3rd percentile

10. Head circumference more than 2 SD may caused by :

A. Congenital infection

B. Perinatal hypoxia

C. Hydrocephalus

D. Cerebral Palsy

11. The most common cause of short stature is :

A. Hypothyroidism

B. Familial

C. Prematurity

D. Chronic illness

12. Children who failure to maintain previously established growth trajectory with parameters crossing 2 major percentile is categaorized as :

A. Undernutrition

B. Malnutrition

C. Failure to thrive

D. Marasmus

13. The most common developmental disorder in childhood is :

A. Motoric delayed

B. Language delayed

C. Behavioral disorder

D. Mental retarded

14. A 10 months baby brought to your clinic because of unable to sit. He was born at full term by Secarean section after 24 hours of rupture of amniotic membrane. APGAR score was 2 in the first minute and 5 in the fifth minute. The baby is non dysmorphic feature, head circumference is small, weakness in 4 extremities, tendon refleks increase, and scissoring of the legs.

The most possible diagnosis in this baby is :

A. Congenital hypothyroidism

B. Cerebral Palsy

C. Down syndrome

D. Mental Retarded


15. The head circumference in that case should be :

A. Mean to -1 SD

B. Mean to -2 SD

C. -2 SD to +2 SD

D. Below -2 SD

16 . The tone of the muscle in that case should be :

A. Normal

B. Hypotonia

C. Hypotonia to hypertonia

D. Hypertonia

17. The primitive reflexes in that case may be :

A. Disappears

B. Normal

C. Increased in intensity

D. No longer than 3 months of age

18. The most common associated deficit in that baby is :

A. Mental retarded

B. Hypothyroid

C. Down syndrome

D. Congenital heart diseases

19 . Cerebral Palsy paraplegia spastic means :

A. Weakness of 4 extremities, with tendon’s reflex increase

B. Weakness of 4 extremities, with tendon reflex decrease

C. Weakness of 2 extremities, with tendon reflex increase

D. Weakness of 2 extremities, with tendon refleks decrease

20. A Seven years boy suffer of weakness at the inferior extremities. The weakness occur since 2 years ago and worsens with the time. Nowaday he can not walk anymore. Arms and legs strength are 3, tendon’s reflex decrease. The most possible diagnosis in this case is :

A. Cerebral Palsy

B. Sindroma Down

C. Hiportyroidsm

D. Duchene muscular distrophy

21. A two years girl taken to health care because she cannot sit. She has hypoplastic nose, small and low set ear, flattened occiput, protruding tongue. Arms and legs strength are 4, the muscle hypotonia, and tendon’s reflex decrease. The most possible diagnosis for this child is :

A. Cerebral Palsy

B. Sindroma Down

C. Duchene muscular distrophy

D. Poliomyelitis

22. The child in the number 21 case, should be differentiated from :

A. Cerebral Palsy

B. Hypothiroidism

C. Phenilketonuria

D. Mental retarded

23 . A two years boy is taken to primary health care because of speech delayed. He has no dismorphic apperance, no hyperactivity, good eyes contact, and want to smile to observer. He does not turn his head to the calling of his name. The most possible diagnosis for this case is :

A. Deaffness

B. Mental retarded

C. Autisme

D . Lack of stimulation

24 .The most important test should be done for the number 23 case is :

A. Intelegence quotion (IQ)

B. Auditory testing

C. Serum iron


25. A two years girl is taken to clinic because of hyperactive. She looks very active, poor eyes contact. She does not say any word, neither respond to simple command. She prefers to play alone rather than to play with others. The most possible diagnosis for this case is :

A. Autisme


C. Mental retarded

D. Developmental language delayed

26 Tujuan analisis assessmen geriatri

A, Mengobati penyakit orang tua

B. Mencegah penyakit penyakit degeneratif

C. Memperbaiki kwalitas hidup lansia

D. memperbaiki ekonomi lansia

27. Kwalitas hidup lansia dipengaruhi oleh :

A. Sosial Ekonomi

B. Lingkungan

C. Status Kesehatan

D. Semua benar

28 Assessmen geriatri Meliputi :

A. Assessmen fungsional dan medis

B, Agama dan ekonomi

C. Psiko sosial dan aktifitas sehari hari

D. Semua benar

29. Bukan termasuk Assesmen medis geriatri

A. Polifarmasi

B. Malnutrisi

C. Inkontinensia

D. depresi

30. Assesmen Kognitif berhubungan dengan :

A. Demensia

B. Depresi

C. GDS (Geriatri Depresi Scale)

D. Malnutrisi

31 Skor Norton 15 – 20 mempunyai resiko dekubitus

A. Kecil sekali / tak terjadi

B. Kemungkinan terjadi

C. Kemungkinan besar terjadi

D. Pasti terjadi

32. Yang tidak berpengaruh pada pengukuran skor norton adalah :

A. Kesadaran dan kondisi fisik

B. Aktififas dan mobilitas

C. Demensia dan depresi

D. Inkontinensia

33. Inkontinensia urin dapat berdampak terhadap

A. Psiko sosial

B. Ekonomi

C. Agama

D. Semua benar

34 . yang tidak mempengaruhi inkontinensia urin akut reversibel adalah

A, Delirium

B. Imflamasi

C. Skiballa

D. Hernia

35. Diuretik mempunyai effek

A. Poliuri

B. Inkontinensia urin tipe uregensi

C. Kontraksi distimulasi

D. Semua diatas benar

36. Analgetik narkotik dapat mengakibatkan

A. Poliuri

B. Menurunkan kontraksi kandung kemih

C. Relaksasi spingter uretra

D. Semua benar

37. Yang termasuk inkontinensia urin persisten adalah

A. Onkontinensia urin OverFlow

B. Type Campuran

C. Tipe fungsional

D. Semua benar

38 . Stress inkontinensia berhubungan

A. Peningkatan tekanan Intra abdominal

B. Reversibel

C. Gangguan susunan syarah pusat (CNS disorders)

D. Pembesaran prostat (BPH)

39. Pengobatan Inkontinensia urgensi adalah :

A. Blader relaxan

B. Traning prosedur

C. Estrogen

D. Semua benar

40 . Overflow inkontinensia

A. Disebabkan oleh obstruksi

B. Banyak pada wanita

C. Peningkatan tekanan intra abdomen

D. Semua benar

41 . Perempuan 70th dengan keluhan tidak bisa mencapai kamar mandi dan mengeluh buang air kecil tak tertahan di dalam mobil . sekarang malu untuk keluar rumah, tdk menderita stroke dan diabetes .

A. Mengalami Inkontinensia urgensi

B. Overflow Inkontinensia

C. Stress inkontinensia

D. Fungsional Inkontinensia

42 . Pilihan utama untuk terapi penderita diatas

A. Kegel

B. Antikolenergik

C. Ocybuturin 5 mg

D. Semua diatas benar

43 . Seorang laki laki datang keklinik anda dengan keluhan ngompol, apa langkah pertama yang anda kerjakan

A. Melakukan urinaliisis

B,. Urodinamik test

C. Mengukur sisa urin

D. Riwayat dan pemeriksaan ngompol

44 . Seorang ibu umur 63 tahun mempunyai anak 3 orang dengan persalinan normal lewat Vagina , sering batuk dan bersin bersin . menderita hipertensi dan diberikan dokter catopril 2 x 12.5 mg , sekarang malu keluar karena sering ngpmpol . Ibu mengalami inkontinensia ;

A. tipe campuran

B. tipe stress

C. tipe fungsional

D. tipe urgensi

45 . Penatalaksanaan yg baik adalah

A. Melatih menundah berkemih dan Pelvic floor ecercise

B , Obat obat destrusor

C. Mempertimbangkan penggantian obat hipertensi

D. Semau diatas benar

46 . Penyebab konstipasi adalah

A. Makanan kurang serat dan air

B. Imobility

C. Kebiasaan ke toilet yang jelek

D. Semua benar

47 . Bukan penyebab inkontinensia alvi

A. Skiballa

B. Stroke

C. Demensia

D. Diabetes

48 . Yang bukan gejala dan tanda penyakit parkinson :

A. Diskinesia

B. Postural imbalance

C. Tanda Kernig

D. Tremor

49 . Diagnosis Penyakit Parkinson ditegakan dari :

A. Klinis

B. Laboratorium

C. CT Scanning kepala

D. Skale Yale

50 . Obat penyakit parkinson yang utama adalah :

A. Antikolinergik

B. Levodepa

C. Trihecylphenidine

D. Beta blocker

51 . Gerakan involunter kasar patah patah pada distal ekstrimitas dijumpai pada :

A. Penyakit ganglia basalis

B. Atetosis

C. Kelumpuhan tipe sentral

D. Khorea

52 Penyakit khorea mayor dijumpai pada :

A. Penyakit Huthington

B. Kehamilan

C. Rematik

D. Thyrotoksikosis

53 . Penyebab utama anemia in elderly adalah

A. Penyakit kronik

B. Infeksi

C. Nutrient deficiency

D. Malignancy

54 . Anemia in elderly yang penyebebnya unexplained biasanya ditemukan

A. Kadar CRP meningkat dan kadar IL 6 menurun

B. Kadar CRP menurun dan Kadar IL 6 meningkat

C. Kadar CRP dan IL 6 Meningkat

D. Kadar CRP dan IL 6 menurun .

55 . Gambaran Ginjal pada orang tua sebagat berikut :

A. Massa ginjal menurun 20% setiap tahun setelah usia 40 tahun

B. Terjadi Penurunan RBF 1 % setiap dekade setelah berumur 30 tahun

C. GFR menurun 1 ml setiap tahun setelah usia 40 tahun

D. Semua benar

56 . Berikut ini pernyataan yang benar adalah :

A. Anemia pada orang tua selalu berhubungan dengan usia

B. Kurang dari 1/3 penyebab anemia in elderly adalah nutrien defisiensi

C. Angka kejadian pada laki laki lebih banyak dari pada wanita


D. Semua salah

57 . Disabiliti is

A. Activity limitation

B. Physiological dysfunction

C. Social role

D. Retriction of recreation

58 . Habiltation case

A. Sequelae polyomielitis

B. Brain injury

C. Developmental delay

D. Extremity fracture

59 . Specific sign of muscular dystrophy is


B. Gowers’s sign

C, Klumke sign

D, Fabere Sign

60 . Screening of physical funtion in the geriatrix patien is

A. Pain

B. Crepitation

C. Intervertebral discs shrink

D. Coordination

61 . Following the physical therapy traditional mode

A. ROM (range of movement)

B. Bobath method

C. Rood method

D. Brunstrom method

62 . It is not include the most common mental disorder in old age

A. Depression

B. Sleep disorders

C. Schizophrenia

D. Mania

63. It is not include in somatoform disorders :

A. Hypochondriasiss is usually chonic

B. Hypochondriasis is common over 60

C. Psycological and [harmacological approach is indicated

D. Telling the symptoms are imaginary is not good

64 , The single most important factor in sleep disorders

A. Advance age

B. General medical factor

C. Social and environmental factors

D. Other mental disorders

65. Itis not include in suicide risk in old age

A. 5 X higher than of general population

B. 1/3 report loneljness is the principle reason

C. 75 % attempted suicide are woman commited suicide are men

D. Violent method are not common

66 . The most effective psycotherapy for geriatric patients

A. Supportive psycotherapy

B. cognitive behavior therapy

C. Insight oriented psychotherapy

D. Integrated therapy

67 . The main problem in use of drug for elderly is :

A. Less adverse drug reaction

B. Not compliance to the rule

C. Difficult to swallow drugs

D. Most drug are not active

68 . Drug metabolism is altered in the elderly due to ......

A. Changhes in stomach pH

B. Less blood circulation to hepatic tissue

C. Changes in the liver oxidative microsomal enzymes

D. Some drugs are not sensitive to be metabolised

69 . Changes in drug clearance for the older population might cause ......

A. Useless

B, Prolong drug half – life

C. shorten renal excreation

D. strengthen drug – drug interactions

70 . Decreased adaptability to drugs in the elderly is due to ,,.......

A. Changes in the receptor levels

B. Decrease blood flow to the certain tissues

C. Apoptpsis process

D. Changes in genetic replication

71. The primary goal of drug therapy in the elderly

A. Remove micro – organismms

B. Prolong the age

C. Eradicate all diseases

D. Improve the quality of life

72 . which term of the following is frequently used for teenager children

A. Puberty

B. Adolescence

C. Aqil baligh

D. All of above

73 . the fifth stsge of psychological development of erikson”s theory is :

A. Autonomy vs Shame and doubt

B. Basic trust vs Mistrust

C. Identity vs Role confusion

D. Initiative vs Guilt

74. The developmental task of adolescent phase is ;

A. to formulate a sense of way life

B . to formulate a sense identity and role

C . to formulate a sense autonomy

D, to formulate a sense industry

75. Related from of psychopathology during the fifth stage is :

A. Delinquent behavior

B Gender – related identity disorder

C. Borderline psychotic episode

D. All of above

76 . To formulate the sense of identity the adolescence needs :

A. a moratorium for the integration of the identity elements

B. men and ideas to have in to prove oneself trustworthy

C. society which has the function of guiding and narrowing the individuals choices

D. All of above

77 . Extrinsic Risk factor causes instability for geriatric patients is:

a) vestibular disturbance

b) decreasing walking speed

c) unsafe stairway

d) decreasing integrated function

78, Example of diseases causing instability is:

a) Diabetes Mellitus

b) Acute renal failure

c) Follikulitis

d) Vulnus laseratum

79 . Change due to degeneration process resulting in instability is :

a) sense of taste disturbance

b) insomnia

c) peripheral neuropathy

d) external environment

80 . Balance test done by getting up from seated, walking through 3 metres, and changing direction, back to the seated is called

a) the time up and go test

b) reaching functional disturbance test

c)Berg Balance test

d) vitality test

81 . Anamnesis for instability in geriatric patients includes:

a) Psikososial condition, emotional disturbance.

b) educational degree, smoking history.

c) Body Mass Index, psikomotor disturbance.

d) medical history, fall history, drugs history.

82 . complication immobilization on geriatric patients is:

a) nutritional disturbance, ulcus decubitus, congenital heart disease

b) muscle contractur, muscle weakness, ulcus decubitus

c) Pneumonia, diabetes Mellitus, thrombosis

d) Osteoporosis, skibala, hypertension

83 . nutrients below cause insensitivity in demineralization process: ...

A. Phytate

B. Flour

C. Oxalat

D. All of the above

84 Fluor should be supplemented to infant those aged between 3 and 12 months if concentration of fluor in drinking water is…

A <0,03 ppm

B <0,30 ppm

C ≤0,30 ppm

D all of the above.

85, The impact oversupplemented of iron is …

A deficiency of zinc

B overloaded of magnesium

C deficiency of magnesium

D all of the above

86 . Allergic trigerred by foodstuff below will disappeared as a child reach school age: ..

A Milk.

B Egg

C Soyabean.

D All of the above

87 . Calsium dosing below disturbing iron absorbsion. The dose is ....

A 100 mg

B 200 mg

C 300 mg

D All of the above

88 . Suspect etiology of PMS is ...

A . lack of serotonin

B . lact of progesteron

C endometrium toxin

D all of the above

89. Nutrients below has to be included in management of depresion type of PMS: ...

A. Magnesium

B. Zinc

C. Calsium

D. , All of the above.

90, Laboratory test that may be usefull in assessing malnourished child is ….

a. haemoglobin

b. haematocrit

c. blood glucose

d. all of the above

91 Laboratory test that are of little or no value in assessing malnourished child is …

a. serum protein.

b. electrolytes

c. test for HIV

d. all of the above

92 An elderly woman should consume fiber as much as ...

a. 25 gram a day

b. 30 gram a day

c. 35 gram a day

d. 40 gram a day

93 Children aged 9 to 13 year should consume fiber as much as ...

a. 19 gram/day

b. 25 gram/day

c. 31 gram/day

d. 26 gram/day

94 A woman who suffering from osteoporosis sometimes experienced in broken bone. The bone that usually broke is ..

a. femur

b. wrist bone

c. vertebrae

d. all of the above

95. In elderly patients physiological changes that occur in the cardiovascular system is :

a. increase of cardiac functional reserve capacity

b. good performance of physical activity

c. decreased of catecholamine responsiveness

d. good toleration of stresses

96. Increasing of arterial systolic pressure and impedance to left ventricular ejection are the result from :

a. aortic dilation and calcification

b. increase of aortic and large artery thickness and vascular stiffness

c. increase of afterload

d. increase of mean blood pressure

97. Atrial arrhythmias in elderly is caused by :

a. atrial dilation

b. ventricular dilation

c. atrial fibrosis

d. both of atrial dilation and atrial fibrosis

98. Resting electrocardiogram changes in elderly patients are influenced by :

a. decrease of left ventricular mass

b. psychological stress

c. kyphosis of thoracal vertebrae

d. instability

99. The well tolerated invasive diagnostic test to evaluate aortic dissection is :

a. cardiovascular catheterization

b. coronary arteriography

c. exercise test

d. transesophageal echocardiography

100. Heart failure tends to be both underdiagnosed and overdiagnosed in elderly patients because :

a. patients fail to report progressive symptoms cause they are considering those as a consequence

of aging

b. many elderly patients with heart failure have a good mental function and behavior

c. exertional dyspnea may not reflect another common problem like COPD

d. they have no complaining

101. Elderly patients with severe systolic dysfunction in association with atrial fibrillation are

candidates for oral anticoagulation therapy. This medication is need to :

a. augment the cardiac output

b. limit thromboembolic complications

c. improve ventricular compliance

d. reverse atrial fibrillation

102. Elderly patients with symptomatic refractory life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmias

should undergo electrophysiologic test to identify :

a. requirement of drug therapy or surgical intervention

b. ventricular dysfunction

c. risk level of thromboembolism

d. 5 years of survival rate

103. A state of reduced physiological reserves associated with increased susceptibility to disability is called :

a. Physical weakness

b. Adrenopause

c. Physical frailty

d. Somatopause

104. Menopause is resulted from exhaustion of :

a. Ovarian follicles

b. Uterine muscle

c. Secret of vagina

d. Thyroid gland follicles

105. Andropause is characterized by a decrease in :

a. Circulating levels of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

b. Testicular Leydig cell numbers

c. Circulating levels of estrogen

d. The activity of GH-IGF-I axis.

106. Age-related thyroid dysfunction is :

a. Hyperthyroidism

b. Euthyroidism

c. Hypothyroidism

d. Uncertain changes

107. Somatopause is characterized by the gradually declines in activity of :

a. Circulating levels of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

b. Growth hormone (GH)–insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) axis

c. Circulating levels of testosterone

d. Insulin receptor substrates

108. Premature babies may presents unique challenges during resuscitation because of :

A. Fragile brain capillaries that may bleed

B. Lungs deficient in surfactant, making ventilation difficult

C. Poor temperature Control

D. All of the above

109. A baby who was meconium stained and not vigorous at birth had meconium suctioned from

the trachea. She then resumed breathing and become more active. This baby should now

receive :

A. Routine care

B. Supportive care

C. Ongoing care

D. Nothing

110. When ventilating a baby, you should sequeeze the resuscitation bag at a rate of ….. breaths

per minute

A. 10-20

B. 20-30

C. 40-60

D. 70-80

111. A Newborn receiving a ventilation by bag and mask is not improving after 2 minutes of apparently good technique.The chest is rising only slightly. Which step you should do.

A. Continue bag and mask ventilation

B. Bag and mask ventilation + chest compression

C. Ventilation with endotracheal intubation

D. Give epinephrine

112. Ninety second to resuscitation, the baby is heart rate is less than 60 beats/minute.While continuing chest compression and ventilation,you should give ……….

A. Sodium Bicarbonate

B. Naloxone

C. Dextrose 40%

D. Epinephrin

113. The Recommended dose of epinephrine for newborn is :

A. 0,1-0,2 ml/kg of 1: 100 solution

B. 0,5-0,1 ml/kg of 1: 1000 solution

C. 0,1-0,3 ml/kg of 1: 10.000 solution

D. 0,1-0,2 ml/kg of 1: 100.000 Solution

114. Baby with hydrops fetalis will be found in these situations of blood groups:

A. Mother Rhesus Negative blood group O, father blood Group B Rh negative

B. Mother blood group A Rh negative, father blood group O Rh negative

C. Mother blood group O Rh positive, father blood group O Rh negative

D. Mother blood group A Rh negative, father blood group A Rh negative

115. That Baby (question 8) will suffer from :

A. Anemia & hyperbilirubinemia

B. Anemia & edema

C. Anemia & edema & hyperbilirubinemia

D. Hyperbilirubinemia & edema

116. A 28 weeks gestation of baby was delivered by caesarian section with indication of anterpartum hemorrhage. After birth the baby was cyanotic, grunting and had chest retaction. She suffered from :

A. Meconium aspiration syndrome

B. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

C. Hyaline membrane disease

D. Transient tachypnea of the newborn

117. Which of this disease is self-limited:

A. Hyaline membrane disease

B. Transient tachypnea of the neonates

C. Nervus phrenicus paralysis

D. Pleural effusion

118. Imperforate anus has been linked with several disorders, including

A. Coloboma of the eye

B. Cleft palate

C. Diaphragmatic Hernia

D. Tracheoesophageal fistula

119. Which of the following is true of apnea of prematurity?

A. It is incommon before 30 weeks gestation

B. It always presents on the first day

C. It frequently respons to use of theophyline

D. It can be treated by increasing the incubator temperature

120. Which of the following is associated with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn

A. Perinatal asphyxia

B. Materal anagesia

C. Maternal anemia

D. Neonatal anemia

121. Which Of the following is considered “air leak”

A. Pneumomatosis intestinalis

B. Pleural effusion

C. Pulmonary interstitial emphysema

D. Chylothorax

122. Jaundice on the first day after delivery is associated with which of following:

A. Red blood enzymes disorders

B. Breast mik

C. Blood group Incompatibility

D. Hypothyreoidism

123. Which of the following statement is true of kernicterus.

A. Bilirubin levels above 20 mg/dl always produce toxicity

B. Bilirubin is deposited in the basal nuclei

C. Bilindness may be a sequale

D. Opisthotonus is rarely a presenting feature

124. ABO incompatibility is associated with which of the following?

A. Maternal blood group A, baby’s blod group O

B. Maternal blood group A, baby’s blod group B

C. Maternal blood group O, baby’s blod group A

D. Maternal blood group AB, baby’s blod group B

125. Congenital toxoplasmosis may be associated with maternal exposure to :

A. Wood burning stoves

B. Uncooked meat

C. Fresh vegetable

D. Dogs

126 . Which of the following is associated with intrauterine growth retardation

A. Beckwith Widerman syndrome

B. Fatal alcohol syndrome

C. Transposition of great vessels

D. Infant of diabetic mother

127. Term infant with IUGR have which of the following problems?

A. Hypernatremia

B. Hyponatremia

C. Respiratory distress syndrome

D. Policytemia

128.A square window is assessed by measuring the angle between the elbow and the:

a. Ear and shoulder

b. Lower leg and thigh

c. Wrist and forearm

d. Fore arm and palmar

129. At term, plantar creases are found on what area of the foot:

a. Anterior two-third

b. Entire plantar surface

c. Half plantar surface

d. Anterior transverse only

130. An infant who is cyanotic at rest and pink when crying should be suspected:

a. bilateral choanal atresia

b. dislocated septum

c. microstomia

d. cardiac disease

131. Expiratory grunting occurs when the infant attempts to:

a. decrease air tapping

b. increase intrathoracic pressure

c. vocal cord edema

d. paralysis of larynx

132. An infant is said to be polycythemic when his central hematocrit exceeds:

a. 60%

b. 65%

c. 70%

d. 75%

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