1. The first sign of pubertal development in 13-year-old boy
A. Enlarge of the testes
B. Development of pubic hair
C. Acne
D. Growth spurt
2. The first sign of pubertal development in 11-year-old girl
a. Development of pubic hair
b. Acne
c. Development of breast bud
d. Ovulation
3. 12-year-old boy has scant, long, slightly pigmented hairs, slight enlargement of his penis, and a textured and enlarged scrotum. His is most likely at which Tanner stage?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
4. A Child with short stature but growth rate is normal.. What is the most possible diagnosis in this case?
Familial or genetically short stature
Constitutional delay of growth and puberty
Growth hormone deficiency
Delayed puberty
5. The most rapid period of human growth
A. Intra-uterine period
B. Infant period
C. Child period
D. Puberty period
6. Familial short stature or genetically short stature
Normal velocity and average Bone age
Abnormal growth velocity
Growth hormon defisiency
Puberty will be delayed
7. The onset of puberty in girl
A. 7-12 years
B. 8-13 years
C. 9-14 years
D. 12-113 years
8. The maturation of secondary sexual characteristic breast development by Tanner stage 3 is :
Breast bud negatif
Mature breast
Breast bud with areola grow
Enlargement of breast and widening of areola, no separation of contours
9. At puberty, both sex steroids and growth hormone participate in
A. The pubertal growth spurt.
B. The ending of the growth spurt
C. Maturation of puberty
D. Epiphyseal closure
10. Differences in Growth Spurts between Males and Females
A. Peak Height Velocity occurs about 18-24 months earlier in the female than in the male.
B. Peak Height Velocity in male averages 2 cm/yr less than in female.
C. Growth hormone in female less than male
D. Sex hormone in female less than male
11. Growth velocity in the second years
Body height 2x birth body length
50% from first year growth velocity :12,5 cm ( 7,5 to 13 cm/yr)
influenced by maternal and nutrition factors
Growth deceleration phase before puberty : 5-6 cm/yr respectively
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